Site Rental
Camp Kalalla is available for rental for weekends or weeks throughout the year. We have great warm weather facilities for trail running, hiking, swimming, and boating. We have wonderful, rustic winterized facilities for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and other winter sports.
Please see the Site Rental page for more detailed information or contact Annabel Lee at 613 457 5009 or
Camper Registrations
For information about camper registration, email or phone 613-867-1823.
Mail required forms to
Camp Kalalla Registrar
S112-455 Front St. East
Toronto, ON M5A 0G2
Send completed staff applications or staffing questions to
Camp Kalalla is owned and operated by Ottawa CGIT Committee. Our charity registration number is 12739 1886 RR0001
Camp fees cover about half of the costs of running the camp and we need your donations to help cover the rest.
Send your questions to
Send your donations to the Kalalla Finance Committee:
Kalalla Finance Committee
100 Pond St.
Ottawa, Ont
K1L 8J3
or visit our Donations page.
General Information
For information about the camp activities, email