Square Dance Fundraiser
Announcing Camp Kalalla’s first ever Square Dance fundraiser!
Please join us on March 22nd from 6-8pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church (470 Roosevelt Ave) with everyone’s favourite caller Windy for a night filled with great friends and good dancing.
All are welcome. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your neighbours and coworkers!
Ticket prices are as follows:
5 and under – free
6-17 – $10
18+ – $15
Payment will be taken at the door on the night of the event. Cash only.
However, we request that you please RSVP to katiepowell1@live.ca no later than March 15th as spaces are limited in the event space.
Snacks and refreshments will be available by donation.
Doors open at 5:30pm with the dancing beginning at 6pm. Social to follow.
In October, we have a month-long campaign to sell honey and honey gifts and products. The Crerar family has partnered with the Ottawa CGIT Committee for over 30 years and supplies us with our honey. Crerar’s Honey Limited was established in 1914 and produce and package fine quality Canadian Honey. Keep an eye out for information regarding your honey ordering opportunities!
Mabel’s Label’s
Are you frustrated by your children’s belongings getting lost, mixed up, and never returning? We have the fix and a fundraiser for you. Camp Kalalla teamed up with Mabel’s Labels at an Ontario Camping Association event in 2016. Mabel’s Labels began in 2003 by four moms who felt just the way you do. 20% of each purchase made through Camp Kalalla’s fundraising page on the Mabel’s Labels website will be donated back to our camp. Click the link below and search for “Camp Kalalla”:
Online shopping has become one of the most popular ways to shop! From the comfort of your own home, FlipGive is an easy-to-use cashback app for teams and organizations designed to raise funds from buying all your favourite brands. Join our team today and start shopping!
Join code: 72SB3Z