An awesome summer experience for girls 7 to 15 years
Canoeing * Kayaking * Crafts * Swimming * Hiking
Outdoor Cooking * Nature Lore * Discovery Time * Singsongs
Fun Evening Programs * Great Food * Campfires * Vespers
A camping experience at Kalalla is very special! This is an opportunity to meet new friends, learn new skills, join in fun-filled activities, and enjoy the beauty of nature through the camp program which values each individual camper and is based on the CGIT purpose. The camp is located on a beautiful 107 acre site in the Gatineau Hills 50 km from Ottawa.
Camper Fees & Dates
All prices are in Canadian dollars. Applicable taxes are included in the listed prices.
Dates for Campers: July 20-27, 2025
Fee for Campers: $750
Camperships may be available – please write for more information as soon as possible, as we work with funding organizations that have spring deadlines for applications.
Leader-in-Training Fees & Dates
Notes: Applicants must be 16 years of age or 15 years of age and finished Grade 10.
Building for the Future
A $50 contribution to Building for the Future is being requested, in addition to the registration for all camps. The money collected will go toward Camp Improvement Initiatives. This is a voluntary donation so a charitable tax receipt will be issued.
A payment for the entire camp fee must accompany each mailed registration form. If paying by cheque, make cheques payable to: Ottawa CGIT Committee. We do not accept post-dated cheques.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance may be available for campers who would be denied a camping experience due to lack of funds. Please contact the Registrar at for further details as early as possible, as we work with funding organizations that have application deadlines in the late winter/spring.
Bus transportation to and from camp is provided from a central Ottawa location.
Refund Policy
Camp withdrawal requests received on or before June 1st will be issued a refund for camp fees less a $50 administration fee.
Camp withdrawal requests submitted after June 1st and accompanied by a written explanation from a physician may be issued a refund for camp fees in full or part less a $50 administration fee at the discretion of the Ottawa CGIT Committee and Camp Kalalla.
Campers who choose to arrive late or depart early for non-medical reasons will not receive an adjustment on their camp fees.
Camper Dismissal
The Camp Director reserves the right to cancel a camper’s enrolment or dismiss a camper whose conduct, influence, or behaviour is deemed unsatisfactory. No refund will be granted.
For Further Information or paper Registration Forms contact:
Camp Kalalla Registrar – 613-867-1823 or