Fees, Dates & Information


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An awesome summer experience for girls 7 to 15 years

Canoeing * Kayaking * Crafts * Swimming * Hiking
Outdoor Cooking * Nature Lore * Discovery Time * Singsongs
Fun Evening Programs * Great Food * Campfires * Vespers

A camping experience at Kalalla is very special! This is an opportunity to meet new friends, learn new skills, join in fun-filled activities, and enjoy the beauty of nature through the camp program which values each individual camper and is based on the CGIT purpose. The camp is located on a beautiful 107 acre site in the Gatineau Hills 50 km from Ottawa.

Camper Fees & Dates

All prices are in Canadian dollars. Applicable taxes are included in the listed prices.

Dates for Campers: July 20-27, 2025

Fee for Campers:  $750

Camperships may be available – please write registrar@kalalla.com for more information as soon as possible, as we work with funding organizations that have spring deadlines for applications.


Leader-in-Training Fees & Dates

Dates for Leaders in Training: July 19-27, 2025
Fee for LITs: $995 before March 1, $1030 March 1 and beyond.
Camperships may be available – please write registrar@kalalla.com for more information as soon as possible, as we work with funding organizations that have spring deadlines for applications.

Notes: Applicants must be 16 years of age or 15 years of age and finished Grade 10.

Building for the Future

A $50 contribution to Building for the Future is being requested, in addition to the registration for all camps. The money collected will go toward Camp Improvement Initiatives. This is a voluntary donation so a charitable tax receipt will be issued.


A payment for the entire camp fee must accompany each mailed registration form. If paying by cheque, make cheques payable to: Ottawa CGIT Committee. We do not accept post-dated cheques.

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance may be available for campers who would be denied a camping experience due to lack of funds. Please contact the Registrar at registrar@kalalla.com for further details as early as possible, as we work with funding organizations that have application deadlines in the late winter/spring.


Bus transportation to and from camp is provided from a central Ottawa location.

Refund Policy

Camp withdrawal requests received on or before June 1st will be issued a refund for camp fees less a $50 administration fee.

Camp withdrawal requests submitted after June 1st and accompanied by a written explanation from a physician may be issued a refund for camp fees in full or part less a $50 administration fee at the discretion of the Ottawa CGIT Committee and Camp Kalalla.

Campers who choose to arrive late or depart early for non-medical reasons will not receive an adjustment on their camp fees.

Camper Dismissal

The Camp Director reserves the right to cancel a camper’s enrolment or dismiss a camper whose conduct, influence, or behaviour is deemed unsatisfactory. No refund will be granted.

For Further Information or paper Registration Forms contact:

Camp Kalalla Registrar – 613-867-1823 or registrar@kalalla.com

Continue to Registration page

Camp Kalalla