Camp Kalalla Work Party

The Work Party has been postponed due to the flooding.

Date changed to June 10-11
new RSVP link: [No longer in use]

Save the date!  Kalalla is hosting it’s annual Open House and Work Party on May 27-28.  Bring yourself, your camper, your family, your friends, anyone!  All are welcome.  The more hands, the merrier!  Come up for a chance to win great Kalalla prizes!


When:  May 27-28, rain or shine!  (So dress accordingly)

Times:  9am-3:30pm – stay for half a day, stay for the whole day, come for one day or two!

Where:  CGIT Camp Kalalla (directions to follow upon registration)

Food:  Lunch is provided both days, but bring any snacks or drinks you may want for the morning or afternoon.

RSVP:  Please click here to RSVP so we make sure we have enough food!


Open House:

Tour the site, see where your camper eats, sleeps, and plays!  Meet some staff and talk to other campers.  This is a perfect opportunity to ask any questions you or your campers may have.  Tours available anytime during the weekend, so RSVP below and come on up!  And while you’re here, feel free to stay and help beautify the site as part of our Work Party.


Work Party:

CGIT Camp Kalalla is located in beautiful wilderness of the Gatineau Hills.  That means that after a long winter, there is some site clearing to do.  Turns out trees shed their leaves…  Come on up and help open Kalalla for the season with raking, trail clearing, and maintenance.  This can count as volunteer hours far high school students.


New this year: Power Tools!  There may be some big projects to work on, so you might have a chance to show off your expertise in construction or destruction!  Or just raking – that’s good too.  Make sure you sign the Thank You Poster!


I hope to see as many of you as possible!

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