Java’s Pre-Camp Prep

Alright, ladies, the final countdown is on! T-minus 5 days until camp! With that in mind, I thought I would share my top five pre-camp prep tips!

  1. Gather all your camp supplies into one area.

This first step may seem obvious, but I always make sure to gather all my supplies together and take a quick inventory. This helps to figure out what you have, and what you need to buy. Make sure to keep your camp list handy, so you can check things off as you go!

  1. Shopping Time!

Now that you know what you have, it’s time to pick up what you’re missing. You can take along your camp list, or make a new one of your own, but I always make sure to bring one with me, so I don’t get carried away and buy things I don’t need. Or worse, forget something I do. My go-to stores for these last minute items are Walmart and Canadian Tire. Walmart has a useful mix of clothing, toiletries, and outdoor gear, all for a reasonable price. If I’m missing anything particularly tricky to find, Canadian Tire is my next stop for all things camp. I find these stores have the largest variety of items at the best price so you can stock up without breaking the bank.

  1. Label. Everything.

Before you begin packing, make sure you label everything you plan to bring. You’re going to be spending a week with 4 or 5 other girls who have packed all the same supplies you have if you want to come home with the same items you brought then make sure to label what’s yours! That goes for toiletries, water bottles, sunscreen, hats, everything.

  1. Start packing!

Step three is a case of doing as I say, not as I do. Packing is always my least favourite part of any trip, and I always leave it to the last minute. However, this is the number one reason I forget to pack important items. If you leave your packing to the last minute, you’re in too much of a rush to check your list thoroughly. So, do yourself a favour and start packing early. That way you have plenty of time to get organised and check off every item on your list!

  1. Make your list and check it twice!

Last but not least, take a page out of Santa’s book. Good ol’ Saint Nick knows what’s up. You’ve made your packing list, now make sure to check it over one last time. It might seem like overkill at this point, but the last thing you want is to show up at camp and realise you forgot your bug spray on the kitchen table. Don’t get caught in the “but I thought you packed it? No, I thought you packed it” cycle, check everything off as it goes into your bags so you can be certain nothing is left behind.

And now you’re all set! If you follow these pre-camp prep tips, then you are 100% ready for all the fun camp will bring… cauuuuuuse we’re from Kalalla, and we’re on the ball!

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