Welcomed back with open arms

I first went to Camp back in 1998 as a wee little unit 1 camper. I should start off by explaining that my family’s history with Camp Kalalla began long before I ever attended. Two of my aunts attended Kalalla during their childhood (let’s do them a favour and not count how many years ago that was) and as soon as we became of age, my cousin, sister and I joined the Kalalla Girls family and never looked back.

For the next 8 years each summer I hugged my mom goodbye and loaded on to that big yellow bus for 10 days of fun. Back in my day camp sessions were 10 days long, meaning an extra few days of respite for parents. Entering my LIT year, I had to say “goodbye for now” to camp and stay in town to work.

The endless stairs, the frigid morning dips, dozens of mosquito bites, and outhouses didn’t faze me in the slightest. None of that seemed to matter as long as we were sleeping in canoes, sharing cuddles over giant tent times, and singing around the campfire until our lungs gave out.

Now, a dozen or so years later, I’m back! I’m so thrilled to be re-connected with the camp community I grew to love so dearly all those years ago. I was surprised to see so many familiar faces but even more thrilled to get to know a new generation of staff and volunteers.

The great thing about our camp community is that it doesn’t matter if you miss a summer, or several summers, you are welcomed back in with open arms. The song lyrics surprisingly come rushing back to you, and the comfort of warm hands during taps remind you that no matter how long we’ve been apart, as Kalalla Girls we have an everlasting connection.

Want to volunteer with us? Email registrar@kalalla.comfor more information.


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